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| Wednesday, 13 June 2012 | 06:38 | 0 Sweet Cupcake
It's funny how men have the uncanny ability to fall asleep within seconds. I'm always intrigued by how hubby can be talking to me as per normal, and suddenly without warning, he's snoring. So anyway, while the husband is busy in dreamland, I'm too hyped up to lie down still because I'm anticipating the Euro match later in the night. I'm such a goon for Germany! :) I was just uploading images onto my Flickrphotostream because I have so many brand new untouched clothes in my wardrobe to sell off and it's about time that we clear out some space for the baby's things. In fact, here are some loots that I found at the Expo baby fair two weeks back! I've also been pirate-ing online for cheaper bargains, and I'm really proud of myself for finding some really good buys! I managed to find a Baby Bjorn carrier and a Medela Electric Breast Pump at a super affordable price and in perfect condition too. :) I also found some great romper bundle deals on Gmarket too. So all that's left now are the big items like the Babycot and the Stroller which can wait till a later date. And I decided to take a photo of my 6months belly! I realized that I was facing an overly-conscious image problem and I had to do something about it. I had read many articles saying that by full term of 40weeks, the average mother should put on between 11-15kg. But the problem was, up till a month ago, I had only gained 1.5kg! But I got scared after reading all the terrible things that could harm the baby's health if I do not take in enough food and nutrients. So I started to force myself to eat more, and hopefully at my next Gynae checkup next week, the weighing scale would increase! :) Honestly, I'm not sure if there are other mummies out there who would feel the way I do. But I was terrified of putting on too much weight. Maybe because of my rollercoaster hormone changes, I felt like I was getting fatter and uglier and clumsier. And I was afraid of how people will look at me and my cellulite and stretch marks and puffy cheeks. :( And it's even worse when the husband seems pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. He will just shrug and tell me that I'm not fat. Hahaha! I know it's a guy thing, but I'm not convinced. And his mama started forbidding me from wearing body fitting clothes or higher heels. She even went to buy me dresses (which are really quite pretty) that are two sizes bigger, which makes me look even more like HUMPTYDUMPTY. Well, now that there's only 3 more months to go before we POP, I guess it's alright to put on some pounds. I've even been doing prenatal yoga in my free time, but that just makes my muscles ache really badly after. :P Oh. Just a random moment, hubby was working a job on a China vessel and he took a picture of a notice next to the lift on the ship. He was so excited to show it to me because he said that the translation was hilarious. So I'm going to share it up here! :) |