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| Tuesday, 12 June 2012 | 20:29 | 0 Sweet Cupcake
GOOOOD MORNING!!! I can hear the birds chirping and the dogs barking outside my window. And I just had a sudden moment where I forgot what day of the week it is today. aaaargh. It has been dinosaur years since I had a blog, but since I've been confined to rest till the baby arrives, I decided to keep myself occupied by writing again! :) You know the "glow" that they always talk about? The ravishing glamourous celebrity mothers on magazine covers. Well, I'm not quite getting any of that! For starters, friends have told me that according to myths, if you're expecting a girl, your morning sickness would be terrible; and you'd experience skin problems and your tummy would be Upsized large and all sorts of other scary theories. As much as I tried not to believe, in my first trimester, I was as SICK AS A COW almost every single day! Gosh. The terror of throwing up everything that you eat or drink; the fact that just the smell of ciggarettes or alcohol can make you hug the toilet bowl for a long time; and feeling so exhausted all the time! I think I got it rough this time. :/ and it's worse when most of my friends are guys, and the girls I know are all still partying every night, it feels like I'm in a different dimension. So I started googling a lot, and reading forums every day. Honestly, mummysg.com has been wonderful in getting advice and listening to other mummies talk about everything. :) ![]() So anyway, hubby is out at sea again, and who knows when he'll be back from his job this time. It was very difficult in the beginning, because suddenly our lives had become on standby. :( anytime his phone rang, it would mean that he had to take his bag and head for the vessel. And he was suddenly gone for days without news. So it seemed like I was just waiting; waiting for him to leave during dinner, or during a movie. Waiting for his message or phone call to say that he's safe and he's coming home in one piece. Plus, it didn't help that all the PREGNANT HORMONES was driving me crazy which made my emotions harder to control. meeeeeeow. But eventually I got the hang of it. I learnt how to accept that I would be alone most of the time. And I think I have launched into nesting mode recently. Because I'm suddenly shopping for baby stuff, trying to make sure I am fully prepared for battle! :P and I'm so so soooo excited that I almost wish our little princess would arrive earlier! Speaking of which, about a month ago I suddenly started developing a very itchy rash on my legs. Apparently it's normal during pregnancy, but it won't go away! So I decided to try this product to keep my skin moisturized. :) It has a light, dewy smell. And it feels very comfortable on the skin; not those slimy or sticky after effect. Plus, it doesn't cost expensive! Perfect for a skincare dummy like myself. :) |